Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September-The Dance of Returning to the Barre and Center

      All over the dance world in September, fall dance classes get back into the groove. Back in the groove? What? Classes get in and out of groove?  You mean dance is seasonal? That’s exactly what I mean! It’s not designed to be seasonal because dance is a living art and should be continually studied, but, the countless dancers that take the summer off can really be a bummer, even for the most inspiring of dance educators. This “off season” pressures the teacher to close their studio doors in the summer, due to lack of enrollment.

     There is a huge mindset in small town in session/dance is out of session/no dance. That's an 8-10 week break! Dancer’s flexibility and strength diminishes hugely! It takes 8 to 10 weeks to get them back into the place, athletically, that they were at in May.

     Let me tell you something else that is going on in small AND big town America. People by the droves take the summer off from where they study The Art of Life and Living...The Church! Again, flexibility and strength, diminished! Life is a living art and should be continually studied!

     I teach my students an analogy about Barre work and Center work. I tell them that what they learn at the Barre, the training and techniques, the hard work and repetition, the growth and development, are to be taken from the Barre and applied to the work that they do in the Center and across the floor. Just like when you train in your faith, the pastors, the teachers, the leadership trains you in the Church and then when you go out of the Church into real life (the Center) you apply your training there! You live it, or dance it, for everyone to see.

     A teacher loves it when a dancer can correct themselves. The teacher sees something out of line and they call for a correction and the dancer looks into the mirror and sees the need to change and does it quickly. That is the mark of maturity. Not perfection, but maturity.

     What thrills an instructor? Teachability.

     For a dancer, the mirror is the place of checks and balances. For the Christian it is the Bible, we look in it as we train and continually correct and change and dance it/live it for all to see. We are to continually "look" in the Mirror of the Word, so it can reflect back to us our flaws, spots, and stains. We should be
wise enough to correct them as soon as they are revealed. 

     A dance class could very easily be compared to going to Church. You dress appropriately for the environment you’ll be in. You arrive and chat and mingle with others that have come for the same purpose. The music begins and a euphoric feeling comes to you, This why I dance, you think to yourself. At the Barre, there is a lot of reinforcement and educating and reminders of what is right, good and, purposeful which is useful for you and your dance/life. There is a lot of praying (class can be tough on certain days!) and then you're released to the Center (real life) and you go out and dance it/live it. Yes?

     I've always had questions concerning people that call themselves dancers. You know the ones. They come to class only once a week or will miss class altogether when other things take higher priority. They love the idea of being a dancer, but do not want to do what it takes to be one. They want to attend class just enough to stay somewhat connected, but it’s plain to see that their absence is weakening their commitment. They want to stay in the roll book, but are not advancing in their training. They like the idea of dancing and wearing what dancers wear, but the devotion, the determination, the discipline, the drive is ABSENT.

     It has been said that the growth of atheism was due to the fact that many Christians acknowledged God with their lips, but lived before the world as an unbeliever, and non-Christians, frankly, found THAT to be unbelievable. Absenteeism in the Dance Class and the Church is attributed to the desire to pursue other things. Let September be the month of your revival, return to the Barre, return to the Center. Come back to your first love. Be present. Live. Move. Be. Acts 17:28

  • September's Scripture Study: I Timothy 4 (MB) Read this chapter every day of September.
If you do not have a Message Bible, you could use another version or Google it. Jot down notes and thoughts as they come to you.

  • Truth at the Barre:   
You are to teach with your life! ..."by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity..."    

  • Truth in the Center: 
You are to cultivate your purpose! "The people will all see you mature right before their eyes!" 

  • Challenge at the Barre: 
As you look in the mirror, as you stand at the barre, make an effort to look deeper than your body lines and form. Look beyond your dance attire and bun. Think of the mirror as the Word of God that reflects your image and how God desires for you to conform to His Image. The Word will show you when you mess up. Your flaws. Your mistakes. But be encouraged, it will also show you His Love, His Grace, And His Mercy!

  •  Challenge in the Center: 
As you stand in the center or get ready for a combination, think of this time as you living your everyday life in and around others. Notice how when the music starts, you sweep by others and brush closely near them. You're out amongst the people doing what they're doing, it's the CHOREOGRAPHY OF LIFE! Think about ways that when you leave the classroom how you can apply these scripture principles and how you can affect and influence others in a positive way.

  • Week 1 The Principle:
The very first line states: "The Spirit makes it clear"... He is the Revealer. He opens your heart eyes and your heart ears. He does not want you to be destroyed by lies and lying. Do you lie to yourself? Are you not truthful when you "look" at yourself in the Word? Or even the glass mirrors in class? Do you tell yourself that "it" will go away or stop on its own? Or "it" will get better eventually without ever addressing the mistake or flaw?  There is no love, faith, or integrity, there is no purpose or maturity until you allow a correction to change you. He is the Repairer, the Transformer, the Master Teacher. Raise your arms, not in high 5th, but to Him and worship Him, now. Ask Him to correct you and gently lead you to and through repentance.
Use the entire week to let God reveal things to you that are holding you back in your physical dance abilities and in your spiritual dance abilities.

  • Week 2 The Corps:
"Everything God created is good, and to be received with thanks." 
"You've been raised on the Message of the faith and have followed sound teaching."
Dance is a created form of worship. God created it and gave it to you to enjoy. Do you find yourself moaning and complaining when class or choreography get too hard? Do you whine when you're pushed to newer levels? Do you eye roll with ideas or steps that don't necessarily thrill you or pump you up? Do you ever practice thankfulness? Being thankful is something that must be practiced and an effort made to do on purpose. As the Company, you work as an individual on yourself and when you join to rehearse with the rest of the body, you all will flow effortlessly together as the spine. Follow the sound training you have been taught, use it everyday of this week.

  • Week 3 The Rehearsal:
"Exercise daily in God - no spiritual flabbiness, please! 
":A disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever."
In this third week be very mindful and active with daily contact with God, prayers, and confessions of sloppy, droppy, and floppy living. Go over, rehearse what is right, good, pure, just, and lovely and practice those things. Maybe a wrong attitude towards an Instructor, or a fellow dancer, or even your wrong thoughts towards yourself. Review and then release them! Purge. Let go. 

  • Week 4 The Performance:
"Now pass on this counsel to the Christians there, and you'll be a good servant of Jesus."
Walk it all out this week, the fourth week of the month. What has changed? Tell someone. Was there anything revealed to you? Share it. Do you feel free-er? Did you get told to do something for someone? Then do it. This is the real performance. This is real life. Live your dance out loud for everyone to be touched by your actions, words, deeds, and efforts! Ready? And...5...6...7...8...

How To Use The Christian Dancer's Monthly Devotionals


  •      Every devotional will be ready at the beginning of each new month. Please feel free to print them out if necessary.  

  •      Each monthly devotional is divided into four weeks with the focus on one main topic with different concepts on that topic:   
               Week 1: The Principle 

              Week 1 (the new beginning of the month) you are asked to focus your attention on     
              God, The Author and The Finisher of your faith. He IS The Principle, The Featured Artist. He has 
              the Leading Role of the Company. He IS The Virtuoso!
              Week 2: The Corps 

              On this week, you are asked to accept your place in the role of the Corps, the body, which takes
              second place in the Company, over which The Principle is The Head! You are more than just a
              backdrop, you are LIVING EPISTLES!
              Week 3: The Rehearsal

              The third week focuses on your place as the Company body and rehearsing and living your life
              successfully with yourself and with the rest of the Company. The choreography of life, the practice
              of living, the repeating of the same moves, to flow in unison with others for a common goal.
              Week 4: The Performance 
              Finally, the last week of the month, the performance is the REAL THING! At the end of the month
              you are asked to actually put to use what you have been rehearsing throughout the month. You
              have become kinder, gentler, more forgiving, inspirational, encouraging, more, DO IT!
              Apply it this week!
  •      Unless otherwise stated, The Message Bible will be the version used for Scripture references.

  •      Considering that the dancer's new year always begins in September, every year of devotionals will begin in the month of September and end in August. 

  •     Monthly devotionals will have at the end of each a:
              Truth at the Barre
              Truth at the Center
              Challenge at the Barre
              Challenge at the Center 

              Reading September's devotional will clarify why we'll use that terminology. You are encouraged to
             not just read the devotionals, but become very interactive with them.

  •      Please feel free to share testimonies or revelations or request prayer on our Facebook page.
               Like it by going to of the dance



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Disciples of the Dance-Christian Dancer's Monthly Devotional


DISCIPLES OF THE DANCE DEVOTIONALS...PURPOSE:  To increase your faith, to encourage you to include God in all aspects of your life, to mentor you in the process of renewing your mind, and to show you how to reconcile you with yourself, with God, and with others. 

     As a dancer, you will spend literally thousands of hours training in a classroom, performing for an audience or ministering to a congregation, in your lifetime. The practice of movement, its' technique and choreography, the preparation and thoughts of it, will, at times, run through your head continually throughout your day.You are always training to be stronger, more flexible, quicker, sharper, and better than you were last week. A lot of energy and brainpower are expended to this five-letter word...D A N C E.

     Enter the Christian Dancer's Monthly Devotionals. As a dancer, the pull is so great on you to focus on your art form, your body, your performance or ministry piece, that bringing God into the flow of your everyday can be the part that is mindlessly rushed through or completely skipped altogether.

     As a Christian, we are all called to develop our relationships and pursue fellowship with the God that created dance and created YOU! This is the concept and purpose of  the Christian Dancer's Monthly aid and assist you, the Christian dancer, in your day-to-day growth and development. The purpose is to help you learn to combine the dancer-you with the spiritual-you along with the intellectual- thinking-you, your 3-part being.

 DISCIPLES OF THE DANCE DEVOTIONALS...VISION: To provide encouragement, stability, and structure to you, the Christian dancer, through the provision of materials, resources, information, and fellowship with others like yourself. To stir up the gifts and talents within you and guide you towards a positive, healthy Christian lifestyle with no compromise.

     In this information age and with the booming increase for sight and sound technology, you can become overloaded with noise, activity, and distracting static. Your alone time with God is just like plugging in your electronics at the charging station at a time of drained power. A recharging is the only remedy. 

     You may train in a secular school, where there is no guidance towards God and His ways. You may dance in a Christian environment, but you are pressured with time issues or carnal issues or weariness issues. These devotionals are to refresh, redirect, refocus, reaffirm, renew, re everything! The idea of that is, if you are a Christian, it means at one time you had it and you may have lost it or misplaced it. 

     Let these devotionals be spiritual AND practical to you. Look at them as vital nourishment to feed your spirit, to rewire your mind, as you train your body. My prayer is that you find awesomely different facets of God in a new and deeper place and you increase, grow, stretch, and lengthen as you develop as a Christian and a dancer. 

"That they should seek the Lord, and find Him, though He be not far from every one of us: for in Him we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:27-28 

                       LIVE.     MOVE.     BE.



Jeanna Sumners

Jeanna Sumners
Covered in His Grace and dance shoes!